115 / by Pamela Garland

Recent research states that if a human does everything just right – eats right, exercises as they should and sleeps eight hours a night, there exists a ceiling to the average life expectancy.  Though as a whole, life expectancy has increased for more people, the oldest among us is not living longer, and that reached a plateau about 30 years ago.  Research suggests that the average longest life span is 114.1 years for men and 115.7 for women.  (They explain that testosterone is the reason for the difference but they don’t say why.)  Note that about 115 is the AVERAGE so it is possible to live longer, and a few have done so but 125 years would be beyond exceptional.  However, I don’t think I would want to live that long unless there is some kind of totally unforeseen colossal change in our way of life!  C’est la vie!  Live, laugh, love.

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