Tea or Coffee? / by Pamela Garland

Which is better for you:  Coffee or Tea?  Both contain ingredients that are beneficial.  Coffee has been linked to decreased risk of Parkinson’s Disease and Type 2 Diabetes as well as some cancers.  But you may lose some benefits if you load that cup of coffee with sugar and cream.  Coffee has more caffeine than tea but both have enough caffeine to cause issues for those people sensitive to it.  Tea has ingredients that also have health benefits such as reduced risk of cancercardiovascular diseaseosteoporosis, and gum disease.  Tea has the advantage over coffee because it contains more of the powerful antioxidants and polyphenols which may help lower blood pressure, reduce cognitive decline, lower your stroke risk, and improve weight loss.  Research shows that regular tea drinkers have less inflammation, perhaps thanks to a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Inflammation is connected to many medical conditions, from arthritis to heart disease. EGCG could lower the risk of plaque formations in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.  What is best for you:  drinking both daily!

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